
At The Barn Retreat Centre

4th April 2020 

10th October 2020

9.30 am – 5 pm


A day spent in silence, alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. There will be no teachings nor guidance, so it is geared for people with some experience in meditation and being in silence together with others. We meet at 9.10 am outside the Steam Packet Inn in Totnes to register and start the walk up towards The Barn in silence and start at 10.30 am until around 5 pm when we will walk down back. You need to bring your own packed lunch, walking boots or wellies and waterproofs. Teas, cushions and blankets are provided at The Barn.
There is a contribution of £10 for the day.
For more more information, please contact me.



At Bogan House, Totnes
Thursday 10th December 2015
7.15 pm – 9 pm

An opportunity to experience your mind relaxing, your heart opening to the vibration of sound and mantra. Atmamantra, Justin, Karamroop, Chris and me will be sharing our passion for this yogic practice, helped by our harmonium, guitar, drums, violin, tambourine, cymbals and vocals, through different mantras, mainly from the hindu tradition as well as the Kundalini Yoga tradition.
Bring something soft to be sitting on, and to keep warm and comfortable. Water to drink is also advisable.
A small donation is welcome to cover the rent of the room.

If you wan to be in our chanting email list, please send an email to
Nancy on